I’m Chris Miller from Oakland, Illinois. For the past 40 years, I have owned and operated a grain and cattle farm. I am running for state representative because Illinois is in serious trouble. We have a growing backlog of unpaid bills and one of the worst funded pension systems in the entire country. Going to Springfield is not going to be about photo ops, dinner parties and meetings with lobbyists. For me, serving as your state representative will be about working for the change we need to get our state back on track. I want to go to Springfield and be the voice of you, the taxpayers, who are tired of seeing their hard-earned money wasted in Springfield.
Get Involved
When it comes to my commitment to turning our state around, I’m all in. But I need your help to be successful. Whether it’s knocking on doors, making phone calls, or hosting an event, I’ll need your help to get elected. Let us know how you’d like to help.